How to get 36 Months Warranty?
Amaron’s 36 months warranty programme only covers 38B20L, 46B24 series and DIN type batteries:
Amaron Go NS40ZL (38B20L) : Delivery Price RM280 (inclusive of old battery trade-in)
Amaron Go NS60L/R (46B24L/R) : Delivery Price RM310 (inclusive of old battery trade-in)
Amaron Hi-Life Pro DIN55L/R : Delivery Price RM400 (inclusive of old battery trade-in)
Amaron Hi-Life Pro DIN74L : Delivery Price RM580 (inclusive of old battery trade-in)
Amaron Hi-Life Pro DIN80L : Delivery Price RM690 (inclusive of old battery trade-in)
Amaron Hi-Life Pro DIN100L : Delivery Price RM750 (inclusive of old battery trade-in)
It’s for vehicles with petrol engines only, and the mileage limit is 60,000 km (or 36 months, whichever comes first). For diesel-powered vehicles, the standard warranty is nine months.
1-18 Months: Free replacement
19 Months: 47% Discount
20 Months: 45% Discount
21 Months: 42% Discount
22 Months: 39% Discount
23 Months: 36% Discount
24 Months: 33% Discount
25 Months: 31% Discount
26 Months: 28% Discount
27 Months: 25% Discount
28 Months: 22% Discount
29 Months: 20% Discount
30 Months: 17% Discount
31-33 Months: 15% Discount
34-36 Months: 10% Discount
Note: * The warranty period shall be commenced from the date of invoice. Warranty claim will be on 1 to 1 replacement basis (same model and same brand) and subject to the Final Outcome, if any/ necessary. The replaced battery will carry the warranty as follow:-
(a) Claim made within the 1st till 18th months warranty period (free of charge replacement) shall carry the balance warranty period as if the returned battery. Eg: claim has been made on second months after purchase where the battery purchased has been returned for replacement, the replaced battery will carry 34 months warranty period, i.e. the balance warranty period of the battery returned; or
(b) Claim made excess or after 18th months warranty period [with the payment (subject to the discount given) made for the replacement] shall carry the full duration of warranty period, i.e. 36 months as if a new battery purchased, provided the same registration requirements are met for the replaced battery.
* The Warranty Period would be made available to the customer(s) who has completed the registration of purchase of AMARON battery (“Online Registration”) through the relevant online system within fourteen (14) days from the date of purchase. The said Online Registration could be carried out by downloading our Mobile App (“AMARON 36”) via Google Play Store and/ or Apple iOS Store. Once downloaded the said Mobile App, kindly follow the instructions and directions provided/ found in the said Mobile App, such as to scan the code of battery, upload the front photo of the vehicle with the registration number, mileage meter of the vehicle and the battery invoice, to complete the said registration. Warranty claim will be on 1 to 1 replacement basis (same model and same brand) and subject to Final Outcome, if any/ necessary. Failure/ delay to complete the Online Registration within the specified timeframe will render the Extended Warranty Period non-claimable and/ or become null and void. However, the Standard Warranty Period will still applicable and coverable for AMARON batteries purchased.
*More information please contact us by email VINBATTERYPJ@GMAIL.COM